And for those leap year babies turning 52 (or 13 by leap years) have a happy bar mitzvah.
Amy deliberately burnt her hand with a lighter and screamed: ‘My life is a shell of what it was. People talk to me and I just zone out. It’s like the whole world is now stillborn. Colours aren’t as bright, love doesn’t feel real. I don’t know who I am and I just feel numb.’Amy, what are you doing? Get help.
After much reflection and a shift in priorities, I have decided not to continue running the Right in Bay Ridge blog any longer.Righty goes out on a high note, after his story about Richard Martin, the crazed superintendent, was picked up by the NY Times, The New Yorker, and just about every other publication in NYC.
It's not just the house either. When Neverland is auctioned, it will include everything: all personal property inside, all fixtures and appliances, furniture, and "all merry go round type devices," any rides, games. The auction literally includes every single thing that is or isn't nailed down.The mind reels and the stomach churns at the thought of what is inside. But it's awfully enticing.
investigators have information that he had a gambling problem, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation has not been completed.Gambling problem.
The Medical Examiners Office determined that it was in fact a suicide, and that Mento died through asphyxiation caused by the duct tape.
Police found no blood, no trauma, no signs of struggle, no drugs and no alcohol. “Not a piece of furniture was touched,” according to a police source.No word yet on whether there was a suicide note.
"The police said they were investigating the death as suspicious."Sharp as tacks, that police force.
"You caught me, I take the dog doo-doo and I just toss it in the street," said Martin, 71, after the Daily News busted him throwing his dog's waste on the street in front of his 278 91st St. building.So why does this Dick feel he can give his tenants shit while flinging his dog's poo?
"I may be a hypocrite, but I'm going to be 72 in five months so I just don't really give a [expletive]," Martin told The News. "See, I guess I'm not the cleanest person, either, but at least I don't leave cardboard out in the rain like my disgusting tenants.That's right - because he's old. That's his reasoning. Dick is a crazy old [expletive] so the laws don't apply to him.
In a victory for gun-rights advocates, the federal government is preparing to relax a decades-old ban on bringing loaded firearms into national parks.And some of those decades-old bans have been in place for ten decades. But that doesn't stop the good old U.S. of A.
The proposed rule change would let visitors carry loaded weapons into national parks in states with few gun restrictions, such as Montana.Suntan lotion - check.
Seems like there are some problems on youtube, so I'll try this one again.
“And I mean free and I mean fair, not these kind of staged elections that the Castro brothers try to foist off as true democracy.”Yeah, Castro brothers! Free and fair. Just like the 2000 elections here in FreeandFairland.
issued the largest beef recall in history, 143 million pounds, some of which was used in school lunch programs.Here's the part I love -
Agriculture officials said there was little health risk from the recalled meat because the animals had already passed pre-slaughter inspection and much of the meat had already been eaten.How do you recall meat that's already been eaten?
showing workers kicking cows, ramming them with forklift blades, applying electric shocks and even using waterboardingWaterboarding!? Are they terrorist cows?
Mom to seven-year-old crossing street: "Be careful, dear. You don't want to get run over or we can't have sushi."Simple and beautiful.
--78th & Amsterdam
Father to son running towards intersection: "Remember! A foot in the street means a foot in your ass!"
--57th & 4th, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
Graffiti often signifies a gang presence in an unsuspecting neighborhood, like Bay Ridge.The Ridge had 185 graffiti crime complaints last year, up from 73 in 2006. That's an increase of 156.9%!! Only Williamsburg had more complaints with 186. Just one more than The Ridge, so I'm going to call it even. If I was getting that kind of increase in my investments that would be fantastic. But I'm not.
"once you know how to read it, it can be frightening. When it comes to gangs, they are not tagging places because they have nothing else to do, they're making a statement. This is a precursor to other activities, and when we see it, we can pretty much tell when the violence is coming."Oh good. That just made my day. Where's my Xanax? Evidently, The Ridge is popular with the Latin Kings, a Puerto Rican gang, and the Italian gang Hoodlums Doing Damage.
"insatiable, she demanded sex six times a night."Steel also said the Totter tart
"went wild with pleasure when he massaged her amputated limb."Eeeeewwwwwwww!!!
Temperature: 13 °FMy nipppleometer is broken but I think that's colder than Abe Betesh's heart. Stay inside!
Wind Chill -7 °F
The Last Play At Shea, From The Beatles To Billy concert will take place on July 16 - in the middle of the Mets' final season at the stadium.No news on whether Joel will be sober for the concert, but sources report he's asked for a bottle of red and a bottle of white.
"He would make inappropriate noises, heehawing like a donkey. He would make derogatory comments towards the director of public works, the city attorney and the mayor. None of it seemed to make any sense as far as him trying to make a point, as far as why he was really there and what his major complaints were."And to make matters worse, the brother was smirking!! The anchor, Tony Harris, (who looks a lot like Larry Wilmore from The Daily Show) put a halt to the interview.
"Disney World visitors will be able to audition for the show at various locations, then perform and compete in front of studio audiences in a new American Idol sound stage that Disney will develop. The daily winners will be invited to try out for the TV show."I wonder if Mickey Mouse will be Simon Cowell? Because nothing shatters a young child's dreams more then having Mickey Mouse, the friendliest rodent in the world, say "You're utterly horrible. I'm serious. You have no talent. None. You're horribly disillusioned. Thankfully I will not see you real soon and I don't love you. Off with you. "
Before long came a ballet piece in which three women were imprisoned by a group of officers, and one was killed. At the end of the number, more members of the audience, in twos and fours and larger groups, began to walk out. At intermission, dozens of people, perhaps a few hundred, were leaving.Okay that's pretty bad.
followers have a spinning wheel in their bellies that pushes out evil and attracts good. In 1999, its founder, Li Hongzhi, told a Time magazine reporter that aliens from other planets were responsible for corrupting mankind by teaching modern science.